76,554 of 100,000 signatures



We call on you to show true climate leadership and reject any candidate in the running for the European Commission Presidency who does not have a clear agenda against climate change. Instead, we urge you appoint a strong leader committed to putting the EU on the path towards a green and fair transition.

Why is this important?

UPDATE 24/07/2019

MEPs have approved Ursula von der Leyen as the next European Commission President.

It’s the EU’s top job, and just two weeks ago she worryingly didn’t have a single commitment on the climate crisis. But with your help, we sent over 75,000 messages to MEPs urging them to raise this in their meetings with her and to hold back their votes if she couldn’t come up with a bold plan. And in just days she’s gone from nothing to agreeing that Europe isn’t doing enough and committing to increase its climate targets. She also plans to make Europe the first climate-neutral continent and wants to mobilise the money to do it.

It’s not perfect, and for now, it’s just hasty words. But it shows our pressure is working -- We can shape the future of Europe together.


Europeans sent a clear message at the last EU election: Europe should take bold action against climate change and trigger a green transition. As leading scientists on climate change warn, we have only 11 years left to limit the climate catastrophe. [1]

But it’s never too late. If we limit global warming to 1.5°C, we can restrict the damages of climate change. We already have the solutions for Europe to do this. This goes from phasing out of all dirty fossil fuels to investing in a green economy. This would bring tons of green new jobs and could even, at the same time, massively reduce poverty and inequality.

That's why we need you. In a few days, the just-elected European parliamentarians (MEPs) will agree, or not, to the appointment of the new EU top leader: the President of the EU Commission. Over the next 5 years, he or she will be the most powerful person in the body that introduces new European laws, that affect all of us.

MEPs will have a choice. Either they will agree to a candidate who will protect the status quo - an economic system that destroys our planet and works for the few - or they will listen to their voters in appointing a leader who has a plan to give Europe a new direction in order to protect the planet and our well-being.

With your support and that of hundreds of thousands of members of our community, we should convince a majority of MEPs to reject any candidate who is not ready to seriously fight climate change. How? Let’s remind the MEPs who promised to take bold actions against climate change during their electoral campaigning that we expect them to elect a European leader who can live up to that promise.


  1. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) is the leading international body for the assessment of climate change. It was established in 1988 to review and assess the most recent scientific, technical and socio-economic information. To better understand its structure, visit: https://www.ipcc.ch/about/structure/

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Our leaders have elected Ursula von der Leyen, a candidate with no committment to climate change or a green transition, to be the President of the European Commission. Now we must ensure that MEPs and their political groups prioritise climate change demands when they meet with her in a few days.

With your support and that of hundreds of thousands of members of our community, we must ensure MEPs to push Ursula to come up with a concrete plan to protect the planet and to reject her if she doesn’t.

Can you chip in to fund the fight and make sure that Europe gets climate leader with a bold plan?

For an EU Climate Leader.

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