WeMove Europe is an independent and values-based organisation that seeks to build people power to transform Europe in the name of our community, future generations and the planet.
Thank you for your passion toward protecting our soil. This petition has now ended. Over 200,000 European citizens signed the 'People4Soil' European Citizens' Initiative (ECI) calling on the Commission to propose a common framework for soil protection to be applied by the member states. This is a starting point to push our politicians to change national policy and to encourage our representatives in the European Parliament to advocate for change on the European level.
European Citizens' Initiative People4Soil [1]
Soil is one of the most strategic resources of Europe, as it ensures food security, biodiversity conservation and climate change regulation. It's time to protect the soils of Europe.
Main objectives: Recognize soil as a shared heritage that needs EU level protection, as it provides essential benefits connected to human well-being and environmental resilience; develop a dedicated legally binding framework covering the main soil threats: erosion, sealing, organic matter decline, biodiversity loss and contamination; integrate soil related UN Sustainable Development Goals into EU policies; properly account and reduce greenhouse gas emissions from the farming and forestry sectors.
Why is this important?
Each passing minute, the soil is assaulted, suffocated, contaminated, exploited, poisoned, mistreated, and depleted. In Europe, there is no longer a specific law that protects the soil. More than 150.000 Europeans signed.You can add your voice until Tuesday, 12th of September!
Safeguarding the soil with laws is on of primary ways of protecting people, plants, and animals. Without healthy, alive soil, there is no future. Healthy, alive soil protects us from environmental disasters, from climate change, from poisons all around.
More than 500 associations have joined together as part of the People4Soil
Campaign organised by

[1] http://ec.europa.eu/citizens-initiative/public/initiatives/open/details/2016/000002
[2] https://www.people4soil.eu
European Citizens' Initiative People4Soil
Soil is one of the most strategic resources of Europe, as it ensures food security, biodiversity conservation and climate change regulation. It's time to protect the soils of Europe.
Main objectives: Recognize soil as a shared heritage that needs EU level protection, as it provides essential benefits connected to human well-being and environmental resilience; develop a dedicated legally binding framework covering the main soil threats: erosion, sealing, organic matter decline, biodiversity loss and contamination; integrate soil related UN Sustainable Development Goals into EU policies; properly account and reduce greenhouse gas emissions from the farming and forestry sectors.
What is a European Citizens' Initiative (ECI)?
European citizens have the right to recommend EU legislation via the European Citizens' Initiative (ECI). A European citizens' initiative is an invitation to the European Commission to propose legislation, and to be effective, it must get the support of at least 1,000,000 EU citizens, coming from at least 7 of the 28 member states. We have 12 months to gather 1 million signatures in all of Europe. We will be collecting signatures from now until 12 September 2017.
Who can sign the ECI?
Every citizen of one of European Union's member states, who has the right to vote in the election to the European Parliament and who is older than 18 (in Austria older than 16). Your government decides what information you need to provide for your signature to be valid, and will use this information to check your signature. The data required can include name, address, date and place of birth, nationality and, for several member states, a personal identification number.
Please can you chip in?
Hosting a European Citizen Initiative is much more expensive than our normal campaigns. For instance, the European regulation require us to collect the signatures with an advanced encryption system on a dedicated server used exclusively for that purpose.
WeMove.EU is funded by donations from thousands of members across Europe. Can you chip in and help make sure we can move fast to win the campaigns that matter to all of us?
You can make a secure donation on the right to help up cover the cost of this important campaign.