WeMove Europe is an independent and values-based organisation that seeks to build people power to transform Europe in the name of our community, future generations and the planet.
To Members of the European Parliament
Open letter
We urge you to be present at the plenary session of the European Parliament on Thursday, 31 January, and to vote in favour of the lobby transparency rule.
Why is this important?
As your voters we want to know as much as possible about your political decisions and voting strategies. We keep hearing about worrying situations where such decisions are made under strong influence of big business.
Big money too often decides about the direction Europe goes. The arms industry sets the objectives of the EU’s defence programmes and ensures funding for its lethal business. The banking industry avoids regulation despite having caused a gigantic financial crisis. The EU’s biggest accounting firms are consulted on tax avoidance laws, even though they themselves avoid corporate tax. [1]
On Thursday, the EU Parliament will vote to oblige the committee chairs, rapporteurs and shadow rapporteurs to publish their meetings with lobbyists. This is a very mild rule and the minimum we expect from our representatives.
As MEPs, you are our representatives. We have the right to know how you vote and why. We have the right to hold you accountable for your decisions: this is how democracy works. Big business has no democratic mandate to influence politicians behind closed doors.
For the rule to be passed, an absolute majority of 376 votes is required. It is therefore crucial for you to both be present at the session and to vote in favour of the rule. Please show that you care about your voters’ rights to be informed about your actions.
- https://corporateeurope.org/power-lobbies/2018/09/corporate-capture-europe https://corporateeurope.org/power-lobbies/2018/07/accounting-influence
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