WeMove Europe is an independent and values-based organisation that seeks to build people power to transform Europe in the name of our community, future generations and the planet.
Angela Merkel, Chancellor of Germany, Jens Spahn, German Minister of Health, Peter Altmaier, German Trade Minister and Heiko Maas, German Foreign Minister
We call on the European Union to make the COVID-19 vaccines and treatments accessible to everyone, everywhere. The EU should:
- Release all patents and licences of the anti-pandemic vaccines and treatments;
- Make public all contracts between public EU authorities and pharmaceutical companies;
- Ensure that vaccines and treatments are affordable and accessible for all.
Why is this important?
**Update June 2021**
Germany is still blocking the proposal of a temporary waiver on Covid vaccine patent laws, while other countries like France are still on the fence. Now is the moment to increase the pressure ahead of important meetings of the G7 and the WTO in days. If they agree to this proposal, we can end this pandemic sooner so everyone is safe.
What matters more: saving lives by getting as many COVID vaccines to as many people as quickly as possible? Or protecting the profits of pharmaceutical companies?
Pharma giants like BioNTech-Pfizer, Moderna and AstraZeneca own the vaccine recipes and can’t produce for the whole world fast enough. But they keep protecting their monopolies and their profits, ahead of people’s lives.
But it does not have to be like this. Governments, including Europe, are discussing a global plan to speed the vaccine roll-out in suspending patents for COVID-19 vaccines.
Let’s make it happen! Add your name to support this appeal!
The lack of vaccine access in countries like India is accelerating the loss of life and human suffering. As cases spiral out of control, open production can help ensure sufficient access to a vaccine and bring an end within sight. With new variants of the virus developing the longer it circulates, a slow rollout is only making matters worse. That means that nobody is safe from Covid-19 until everyone is safe.
Earlier this year, the United States’s backed proposals by South Africa and India at the World Trade Organisations call to remove temporarily lift the patents on COVID-19 vaccines until the pandemic is over. This call has the support of over 100 developing countries, the Pope and over 100 world leaders and Nobel laureates.
Governments are meeting in days, so join us to create a wave of public support to pass this proposal and make COVID vaccines and treatments available to everyone, everywhere.
- BBC: Covid-19: More than 6,000 'lives saved by vaccine programme. https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-56521415
In partnership with:
This petition is part of the total number of signatures collected by the partner organisations of the People's Vaccine Alliance:

Image source; Tim Reckmann, Flickr, here.
Together we have moved French President Emmanuel Macron and US President Joe Biden to support opening access to vaccines.
But Angela Merkel still won’t budge. The more people who get involved, the harder we'll be to ignore. Will you help?
Share this video of our action with the German Embassy to tell them that Merkel should be on the right side of history in freeing the COVID-19 patents!
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Please can you chip in?
Together we can win a People's Vaccine against Covid-19.
But to keep up the pressure, we need your support. WeMove gets no funding from companies or governments. Only donations of people like you will enable us to convince Germany and Europe to support a People’s Vaccine, available for all, everywhere.
So, to join the thousands of donors who already support us, you can fill in the secure donation form here.
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