WeMove Europe is an independent and values-based organisation that seeks to build people power to transform Europe in the name of our community, future generations and the planet.
To European governments, parliaments and EU institutions
We call on you to tackle the life-threatening climate crisis. We do not want public money spent on fossil gas projects! We ask you to exclude fossil fuel projects from all EU investments.
This includes projects supporting fossil gas through the back-door, i.e. fossil-based hydrogen and “decarbonized” or “low carbon” gas which is made from fossil gas.
We demand that EU money is instead invested in renewable energy, so we can build a resilient, green and just energy system for everyone.
Why is this important?
While the recent climate agreement in Glasgow falls far short of what's needed - EU leaders like chancellor to be- Olaf Scholz and President Emmanuel Macron want to convince Europe to make the climate crisis even worse: they plan to spend billions on dirty gas pipelines and terminals that would import fracked gas. [1]
But we won’t let them get away with it. In the following weeks EU leaders will take key decisions about the climate. [2] The outcome of the meetings will determine where billions of Euros flow: into the hands of the fossil fuel industry or renewable energy that will benefit communities?
The money we need for a green transition, could be wasted on new fossil gas projects that we don’t need and the climate can’t afford. Scientists have made crystal clear that fossil gas has to stay in the ground, if we want a chance at limiting global heating. [3]
This is our chance as a community to tell leaders what we and scientists worldwide demand: It is time for a green transition, not dangerous fossil fuels!
- The key reason President Macron is supporting fossil gas, is because he has made a dirty deal with countries like Hungary, the Czech Republic and Poland that in exchange for France's support for gas, these countries support nuclear.
- The trilogue on European energy infrastructure, the ‘TEN - E’ file, took place on Tuesday 23rd November. More meetings are scheduled this winter.
https://bellona.org/news/eu/2021-09-ten-e-regulation-moving-to-trilogues-important-steps-in-right-direction-on-governance-co2-storage-and-transport-but-door-still-left-open-to-fossil-gas-projects - As the report of the United Nations Environment Program shows, the production and consumption of fossil gas would have to drop drastically in order to comply with the Paris Agreement and the limitation of global temperature increases to + 1.5 ° C can. The European Commission shares this assessment and estimates that the consumption of fossil gas would have to be reduced by 36% by 2030 in order to achieve the EU climate target.
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Mail To European governments, parliaments and EU institutions
Three EU politicians could push the EU to spend billions of euros on fossil gas projects. They will decide by Monday. Now it's time to raise our voices and tell them to protect our planet!
At present, it’s finely balanced, and public pressure could tip their decision the right way. You’ve already signed the petition, but now it’s time to set twitter on fire!
Send a tweet to MEPs to stop billions of euros of our public money flowing into fossil gas!
Send a tweet
Please can you chip in?
We are determined to save our planet and stop the fossil fuel industry. The next four months will be key. We will be working hard on this powerful campaign to impact this and the upcoming, crucial decisions in the EU.
To supercharge our fight against the fossil fuel giants - please consider donating to our campaign. We know it can feel hard to make a difference as just one person.The beauty of WeMove Europe is that when we all donate a bit together, we don’t need anything other than each other to do absolutely incredible things.
So how about it? Will you join the thousands of people already donating to WeMove Europe to enable all of us to keep fighting the biggest battles of our time?
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