WeMove Europe is an independent and values-based organisation that seeks to build people power to transform Europe in the name of our community, future generations and the planet.
Jean-Claude Juncker, President of the European Commission and EU leaders.
Petition text:
Tax dodgers, mafia and corrupt politicians have to be stopped. The law must apply to everyone, it is not acceptable that the rich and powerful exempt themselves from their obligations to society or from punishment for crimes.
For far too long now, the EU has been negligent. Laws have not been enforced and banks have been allowed to cooperate with money launderers.
We demand effective EU-wide actions against money laundering and tax dodging to bring the culprits to justice and to stop this from happening in the future.
Why this is important
We all knew it, but the scope of the scandal is just crazy. The Panama Papers show how the rich and powerful act as if they are above the law. [1] From mobsters and dodgy businessmen to politicians and the biggest banks on the continent, thousands are implicated in tax dodging and laundering the fruits of crime and corruption.
The scandal will only really unfold in the coming weeks as journalists reveal more and more of the Panama Papers. But this is not a time for despair. This exposure is a big opportunity for us.
Politicians are now under unique pressure to do something about money laundering and tax dodging. If we come together, join in the tens of thousands, we can make sure that they really do something. The European Union has means beyond any country to have a widespread impact. But we have to act quickly. In this fast moving media environment every day counts.
Money laundering and letterbox companies are only possible because our governments lack the political will to enforce rules against them. This has to stop!
To avoid this large scale fraud from happening again, it is essential to create EU-wide prosecution authorities that transnationally investigates corruption, tax fraud and money laundering. The EU must also ensure banks that profit from and facilitate money laundering like Deutsche Bank or HSBC are punished - up to revoking their license to operate.
This scandal rocks all countries in Europe. Donors of the UK conservatives [2], Deutsche Bank [3], football player Lionel Messi, and Spanish politician and EU commissioner Cañete are but a few who have been implicated. But our force also comes from all over Europe. This call to action goes out directly to over 200,000 members of the WeMove.EU community. Together with our partners we can stop money laundering practices.
Sign to stop money laundering and bring the culprits to justice.
Campaign run in partnership with:

[1] What are the Panama Papers? A guide to history's biggest data leak
[2] Tory donors’ links to offshore firms revealed in leaked Panama Papers