WeMove Europe è un'organizzazione indipendente e basata su valori che si batte per dare potere alle persone e per trasformare l'Europa in nome della nostra comunità, delle generazioni future e del pianeta.
A Frans Timmermans, Primo vicepresidente della Commissione europea
Garantisca una riforma dell’Iniziativa dei Cittadini Europei (ICE) per renderlo uno strumento reale e funzionale a una democrazia efficace. Per dare all’ICE legittimità e coinvolgere i cittadini, chiediamo di rendere meno restrittiva la procedura di registrazione e semplificare le condizioni per i firmatari. Faccia spazio per proposte di variazioni concrete ai trattati Ue vigenti e assicura che la Commissione presenti una proposta di legge a massimo un anno di distanza dall’adozione di ogni ICE
La nostra campagna ha avuto un impatto enorme e la Commissione sta già reagendo! Lo scorso 30 agosto Frans Timmermans ha ricevuto oltre 100.000 firme raccolte con la nostra petizione, mentre più di 5.000 persone hanno preso parte alla consultazione pubblica. Aggiungi la tua voce per mantenere alta la pressione e mandare un messaggio forte e chiaro: uno strumento funzionale di democrazia diretta è più necessario che mai!
Perché è importante?
Ad ogni petizione firmata e consegnata, noi cerchiamo di vincere una battaglia. Ma oggi possiamo davvero cambiare le regole del gioco.
In tutte le battaglie che abbiamo combattuto in nome di un’Europa migliore, noi della comunità di WeMove abbiamo adottato diverse strategie per farci ascoltare da chi prende le decisioni. Ora, lo strumento più potente a nostra disposizione per arrivare ai leader europei - l’Iniziativa dei Cittadini Europei (ICE) - è in fase di revisione. Si tratta di un’opportunità unica per trasformare questa risorsa nella via più immediata per farci ascoltare dai politici europei.
Quando, insieme ai nostri partner, abbiamo lottato per bandire il pesticida tossico conosciuto come glifosato, ci siamo serviti dell’ICE per spostare l’ago della bilancia. [1] Non è stato facile raccogliere 1,3 milioni di firme ufficiali in un tempo record di 5 mesi, con tutti gli ostacoli burocratici, adottando procedure diverse in 28 paesi diversi. La battaglia per assicurarci che la legge cambi davvero è ancora in corso. Ma sapevamo che, se volevamo un cambiamento reale, dovevamo procedere in questo modo. Questo strumento ha un potenziale enorme.
E ora possiamo migliorarlo. La Commissione, vuole riformare la ICE e la domanda è “fino a che punto?”. Usiamo questa per costruire una ICE che sia per i cittadini, fatta dai cittadini: gettiamo le basi per tante altre iniziative come quelle che abbiamo portato avanti insieme.
[1] https://act.wemove.eu/campaigns/eci-glyphosate-int
[2] http://ec.europa.eu/citizens-initiative/public/regulation-review
Questa petizione è stata lanciata in partenariato con:

Partecipa alla consultazione pubblicca della Commissione europea per riformare l'ICE
Fino a mezzanotte del 16 agosto la Commissione europea vuole sentire dal pubblico su come cambiare l'Iniziativa dei Cittadini Europei. L'ICE è uno stumento con un potenziale enorme, e se siamo in migliaia a partecipare possiamo rendere l'ICE uno strumento degli europei per gli europei.
Per rendere la partecipazione piu semplice alla consultazione, abbiamo creato con l'aiuto dei nostri partner, una sorte di manuale che ci aiuta a rispondere alle varie domande della consultazione. Purtroppo non abbiamo fatto in tempo a tradurre il manuale e sotto lo trovate in inglese, anche se la consultazione su puo completare in italiano. Dopo le 17:00 sarà disponibile anche una versione italiana del manuale.
Ecco come partecipare
- Clicca sul bottone 'Partecipa' per andare alla pagina della consultazione
- Rispondi alle domande. Puoi fare riferimento ai suggerimenti sotto (versione Italiana disponibile dopo le ore 17), ciccando sui vari titoli per spiegazioni piu dettagliati
- Completare la consultazione entro la mezzanotte del 16 agosto
Here are the suggested replies to the consultation:
The replies in this section are mandatory but up to you to complete. Please fill out this section at your discretion.
Questions | Suggested answers |
Have you ever signed a European citizens' initiative (filled in the required statement of support form)? | Up to you |
Why? | Up to you |
What would make you support a European citizens' initiative? | Up to you |
Have you ever organised a European citizens' initiative/collected statements of support for an initiative? | Up to you |
For which initiative? | Up to you |
Do you consider that the European citizens' initiative has so far achieved its objective of fostering the participation of citizens in the democratic life of the EU and bringing the EU closer to the citizens? | Rather disagree |
In your view, how important are the following considerations when revising the rules for the European citizens' initiative? | |
a) Signing an initiative should be as simple as possible (statements of support should be collected in a user-friendly way and the personal data requested should be kept to the minimum needed). |
Very important |
b) The rules and procedures for organising an initiative should not be burdensome and should remain proportionate to the nature of the tool (a tool for citizen participation which does not lead to a binding outcome). |
Very important |
c) Citizens' initiatives should be launched only on issues relevant to citizens in a significant number of member states. |
Neither important nor unimportant |
d) Citizens' initiatives should foster debate and interactions between like-minded citizens across the EU as well as between themselves and the EU institutions. |
Neither important nor unimportant |
e) The rules for giving support to an initiative should allow the use of the best available technology in terms of security and user-friendliness. |
Very important |
f) Other. Please specify: |
In reference to sub-question d), citizens’ initiatives should also foster transnational debate between both like-mind and different-minded citizens |
Questions | Suggested answers |
In accordance with the Regulation, the Commission has established a point of contact which provides information and assistance to organisers. Do you consider that the provision of information and assistance to organisers in this phase should be strengthened? |
Strongly agree |
Assistance to organisers in the preparatory phase should be provided by: |
The Commission through its point of contact ('helpdesk') Independent expert(s) |
In your opinion, what would be the best way(s) to limit the liability of organisers? | Reduce the amount of personal data collected from signatories |
Do you have any other suggestions for improving this preparatory phase/the citizens' committee? |
In a reference to the above question regarding limiting the liability of organisers: citizens’ committees of an ECI should within the regulation be defined as a legal body of EU-lawmaking, and the organiser can therefore not be held individually liable. |
Questions | Suggested answers |
Should the registration phase continue to include an admissibility check to verify that the proposed initiative does not fall outside the Commission’s powers? | No |
Should the legal assessment indicate that the proposed initiative partly or fully falls outside the Commission's powers: |
Organisers should have the possibility to redraft their proposed initiative so that it falls within the Commission's powers, on the basis of a preliminary assessment by the Commission. They could then collect statements of support on the basis of the redrafted initiative, once legally cleared. |
In order to redraft their proposed initiative, the organisers should have the possibility to be assisted by: |
Independent expert(s), for instance through an online collaborative platform An officer within the Commission with an independent and impartial role for the European citizens' initiative ('hearing officer')I |
Do you have any other suggestions for improving the registration phase? |
----- |
Questions | Suggested answers |
Online collection |
The hosting of online collection systems exceptionally offered by the Commission should be: |
Made permanent and simplified (transformed into an online collection platform readily available for organisers upon registration, without the need for a certification) while still remaining optional. |
To which extent do you agree on the importance of using new solutions for electronic identification such as eID or electronic signature for supporting initiatives? |
Don't know |
Would these electronic identification solutions make the online collection more user-friendly for citizens and organisers? |
Yes, to some extent |
To which extent do you agree that several ways for providing support to an initiative online (filling the form online, using eID, using other e-identification solutions) should be available in parallel in order to maximise the user-friendliness of the tool? |
Strongly agree |
Collection in paper form |
In the case of a single online platform to gather support, how should the collection of statements of support in paper form be organised? |
Organisers should collect statements in paper form and send them to the competent national authorities for verification at the end of the collection period. At the same time, they should have the possibility to record the number of statements collected in paper form on the online platform during the collection process. |
Requirements for signatories |
In your view, should EU citizens residing outside the EU be allowed to support a European citizens' initiative? |
Yes |
In your view, what should be the minimum age to give support to an initiative? |
It should be harmonised at 16. |
Personal data to be provided by signatories and subsequent verification process |
In your view, what should be verified in relation to the signatories' personal data? Please keep in mind that a citizens' initiative is a tool for citizen participation which does not lead to a binding outcome. |
a) that data is not entered by a robot and that the overall probability of having entered fake data is below predetermined thresholds (based on data analysis techniques) |
Yes |
b) that a person corresponding to the data provided exists |
Yes |
c) that the person is eligible to support a citizens' initiative (old enough and EU citizen) |
Yes |
d) that the person has provided his/her own data (that he/she did not introduce someone else's data fraudulently) |
Yes |
e) that this person has not supported an initiative more than once. |
Yes |
f) other. Please specify: |
Which types of personal data do you think citizens would not be willing to provide when giving support to a European citizens' initiative? How does this vary between member states? |
Name at birth, place of birth, personal identification (document) number, driving license number, the last three digits of your personal identification (document) number / driving license number, email address |
The current Regulation sets out different data requirements for signatories depending on the member states (see above). Among the following options, which one do you think would be the most user-friendly? |
Requiring the same set of personal data in all member states. Then signatories may be contacted to provide additional personal data depending on the country they come from, for verification purposes. |
According to you, who needs to have access to the signatories' personal data? |
Organisers or other persons acting on their behalf who collect the statements of support and the public authorities in charge of their verification |
Should signatories be kept informed about the initiative they have signed and its follow-up, for example by email? |
Yes, by the organisers. Yes, by the Commission. Signatories should have the option to receive general information about the European citizens' initiative, including on other initiatives they might be interested in. |
Time limit for the collection period |
Should the time limit for collecting statements of support (12 months from the date of registration) be revised? |
No |
In your view, how should the time limit be changed? |
It should be possible for the organisers to choose the start date of their collection within a given time period. |
Do you have any other suggestions for improving the process of collection of statements of support and their verification? |
Support external organisations that have stronger expertise in online campaigning, like We Move Europe |
Questions | Suggested answers |
Do you think that there should be a time limit for the submission of a successful initiative to the Commission? |
Yes |
In your view, what should be this time limit? |
Between six months and one year from the end of the collection |
According to you, what would be the best way(s) to ensure that stakeholders representing different views are heard before the Commission replies to the initiative? |
The public hearing in the Parliament should ensure that different views are represented by inviting various stakeholders to speak, in addition to the organisers. The Commission should be given more time before its reply so that it can consult widely and transparently (for example by organising an open public consultation). |
Should the European Parliament and the Council be invited to express their views before the Commission takes position on a successful initiative? |
Yes |
Do you have any other suggestions for improving the examination procedure and the possible follow-up to initiatives that have reached the required number of signatories? |
The Commission should make the most concrete, detailed communication possible in its follow-up to initiatives that reach the required number of signatories. This gives the organiser the opportunity to concretely follow-up with their political campaigns and have a political debate with facts and figures provided by the Commission. E.g., in an environmental protection initiative which the Commission does not approve because of the argument of high costs, the Commission should sufficiently explain its reasoning including concrete financial facts. |
Questions | Suggested answers |
What more could be done to better inform citizens and communicate on the European citizens' initiative? |
The issue of low awareness of the ECI itself is a core problem. The Commission should publish a regular ECI newsletter for organisers, signatories and interested citizens with information about ECIs in a particular field or milestones that ECIs reach. E.g., the newsletter could feature ECIs that have 100,000 more signatures to go in order to boost the likelihood of an ECI’s success and to recognise the efforts of organisers. Recognising the milestones that organisers reach will increase the likelihood that citizens start an ECI. An ECI newsletter would help grow a distribution list of those who are in principle interested in European politics and would therefore help build a constructive European public sphere. |
If you wish to add further comments or suggestions on the European citizens' initiative, please feel free to do so here.
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La comunità di WeMove è pronta a intervenire per tutelare la salute delle persone e quella dell’ambiente in cui viviamo. Vogliamo rimanere indipendenti e quindi non accetteremo mai denaro che provenga da multinazionali o da organi governativi. Tuttavia, campagne ben strutturate ed efficaci necessitano di un finanziamento minimo, quindi abbiamo bisogno di te!
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