WeMove Europe is an independent and values-based organisation that seeks to build people power to transform Europe in the name of our community, future generations and the planet.

Tech giants - Stop tax dodging!
To European governments, parliaments and EU institutions
Stop multinationals from hiding their tax dodging from the public and make sure they pay their fair share. Support a law to introduce ambitious and public Country By Country Reporting which will force companies to disclose how much they earn in each country and what they pay in taxes. Increasing transparency is an important step towards stopping corporate tax tricks.
Why is this important?
Jeff Bezos, the founder of Amazon, earns over $13 million per hour. But his company barely pays any tax in Europe. [1]
To avoid the rules and pocket billions, companies like Amazon hide their profits in the most shady of places – "tax havens". We pay our fair share of taxes. So why shouldn’t Amazon and other tech giants?
Denmark, Lithuania and the Netherlands are taking them on by supporting a law that would make tech giants do just that: disclose how much money they make wherever they operate, in any country in the world, so they face public pressure to pay up. So what’s standing in their way? France and a group of other EU countries. They want to water down the ambition of this law and push for sneaky exemptions which would let companies continue hide their profits in tax havens. [2]
If thousands of us champion the call of those brave enough to stand up to tech giants with a strong petition, it could tip the balance in our favour before a critical vote in just a few weeks. If we reach 100,000 signatures, we’ll deliver our call right before the vote.
Add your name to make companies like Amazon pay their fair share.
- https://researchfdi.com/amazon-covid-19-pandemic-profits/; Global digital multinationals pay an average corporate tax rate of around 9.5 per cent, traditional firms have an average figure of 23.2 per cent. https://www.iai.it/sites/default/files/iaip2014.pdf
- https://video.consilium.europa.eu/event/en/24389. On February 25, 2021, the EU Member States’ internal market and industry ministers exchanged their official positions on the proposed public Country-by-Country Reporting initiative.