WeMove Europe is an independent and values-based organisation that seeks to build people power to transform Europe in the name of our community, future generations and the planet.
The European Commission, European Parliament, and Leaders of EU Member States
In order to make reuse the new normal, EU and national decision-makers must:
- Set EU harmonised designs for containers, in order to scale-up reuse, as well as promote systems, such as deposit-return schemes, that support reuse.
- Adopt public procurement policies that prioritise reuse services and products, for publicly-run and sponsored events and facilities.
- Adopt complementary measures, including targeted bans on single-use products, and economic incentives to implement reuse.
- Set reuse targets for each sector, including for transport, retail, food services and e-commerce.
Why is this important?
It’s no wonder plastic is in our food, drinking water, the air we breathe, and even inside our bodies. [1]
Recycling has been presented as the main solution to our waste problem by industry and it is great, but it’s not enough. Most plastic cannot be recycled and ends up incinerated or in a landfill. [2] And the waste that can be recycled more often than not can only be turned into a new product with a lot of materials and energy.
The only way we can solve the plastic pollution crisis is by putting in place robust reuse systems. This means bottles and containers are picked up for reuse, your household cleaning or bathroom supplies are easily refilled when empty, and take-out food is prepared in reusable dishes. [3]
And now we finally have an opportunity. Soon, EU decision-makers will start reviewing the EU Packaging and Packaging Waste Directive (PPWD).
They could make sure that all of the necessary packaging we use from plastic to paper is reusable. But the powerful packaging industry will try to limit the focus of the review on recycling. Together, let’s counter the industry’s pressure with a massive show of people power to ensure the EU chooses reuse!
Join the Reuse Revolution!
- https://www.consumerreports.org/health-wellness/how-to-eat-less-plastic-microplastics-in-food-water/
- https://www.npr.org/2020/09/11/897692090/how-big-oil-misled-the-public-into-believing-plastic-would-be-recycled?t=1623057649205
- https://wechoosereuse.org/
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Please can you chip in?
Packaging accounts for close to ⅔ of total plastic waste in Europe. It’s no wonder plastic is in our food, drinking water, the air we breathe, and even inside our bodies. Help us fight the packaging and plastics lobby who want to keep it this way
Can you donate just a few euros to help our community continue working to protect our planet?
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