WeMove Europe is an independent and values-based organisation that seeks to build people power to transform Europe in the name of our community, future generations and the planet.
To the European Commission, the European Council and the European Parliament and Charles Michel (President of the European Council)
We call on you to adopt a set of bold actions to drive a just economic and ecological transformation to drastically reduce emissions in line with the latest science, with a view to limiting warming to 1.5°C by shifting our societies to 100% renewable energy.
This means adopting a binding target for 2030 of 65% emission reductions and reaching climate neutrality by 2040. To achieve this we need immediate measures to cut greenhouse gas emissions.
The transition will also need both public and private finance. We call on you to end all public subsidies to fossil fuels, nuclear energy and factory farms, to commit to at least 40% of the new EU budget to climate action, and to leverage at least an additional 300 billion euros per year for a green transition to guarantee a fair future for all.
Why is this important?
The fight against climate change has to be at the heart of the European Union’s action for the years to come. The science is clear: while the global effort of limiting temperature rise to 1.5°C instead of 2°C is feasible, it requires unprecedented changes.
The EU should therefore take the lead in demonstrating that increasing immediate term climate action is an opportunity and provides numerous social, environmental and economic co-benefits, while protecting people from the devastating consequences of climate change.
First and foremost, the EU must pledge to increase its targets to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by at least 65% by 2030. Aiming at a reduction of just 55% would not be sufficient. This pledge should happen in early 2020.
To deliver on this increased objective, the EU has to direct significant financial means. Whereas heads of states currently are discussing the overall volume of 2021-2027 Union’s budget, the so-called Multiannual Financial Framework, they still miss out on the questions of substance: now is the time to commit to Paris Agreement-compatible objectives within the EU budget.
This entails dedicating 40% of the EU funds to climate action. Upcoming national and regional EU funds spending plans have to catalyse the transition. And an extra 2% of the EU’s GDP per year needs to be invested into the restructuring of all sectors of the economy in order to achieve climate neutrality.
All the above must be agreed within a few months: in spring 2020. This is because in autumn next year, European governments must submit new or updated climate pledges for 2030 under the Paris Agreement. The likes of China and India are unlikely to move unless the EU agrees to increase its targets.
Failing to urgently cut emissions now – across all sectors – and to raise the EU’s emissions reductions target would make extreme climate breakdown much more likely.
In partnership with:

Tomorrow, our leaders are meeting to negotiate the EU budget, and a key part of their discussions will be how to finance climate action. We need Charles Michel, President of the European Council, to use his power to ensure that our demands are met for more funding to be committed to real climate action. Please, take a second to send him a Tweet!
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Our community has been putting much energy to confront the climate crisis, but to keep the fight going and meet new challenges we need as much support as we can get!
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